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Transportation of sediment is an essential dynamic process in a natural river towards a hydraulic equilibrium state, as it affects the stability of the river itself. Extensive erosion and sedimentation in a natural river or irrigation canal will cause high maintenance costs for irrigation, and flood prevention works. It will cause reservoirs siltation, and scouring of bridges. This study attempts to explore the existing schools of thought and theories of sediment transport, by reviewing the existing theories of sediment transportation for cohesive materials of wash loads, and suspended loads. We review the sediment transport formulas for cohesive materials, based on their movement from the watershed to the stream, and present the underlying theories to estimate the quantity of sediment transport for cohesive materials. We identified that there are two entities of the transport process of the sediment for cohesive materials, which are in the watershed and in the stream. During the review, we found that the uncertainty in estimating the quantity of cohesive sediments is higher than non-cohesive sediment materials.


Suspended loads cohesive materials

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How to Cite
Permana, A. S., As'ad, S., & Ikhsan, C. (2022). Cohesive Sediment Transport Process and Practical Estimate: A Review: This study aims at providing a method to compute the cohesive sediment transport from the source to the stream. Innovative Engineering and Sustainability Journal, 1(1), 18–27. Retrieved from (Original work published January 4, 2022)


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