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Flood disasters are ubiquitous and may occur anywhere as long as certain hydrological, hydrometeorological and topographical conditions are met. The impacts of floods may include social, economic, and environmental aspects, and therefore the losses due to floods are usually varies with respect to the wide range of its tangibility and intangibility. One of the standards of analysis of a flood control project is economic viability, the elements for this analysis could be either tangible or intangible components of costs and benefits. While the tangible benefit components are usually effortless to quantify, the intangible ones are, in the contrary, complicated and challenging. This study attempts to quantify the intangible benefits of the flood control works in monetary terms, as an effort to develop transfer functions to translate intangible benefits to quantifiable ones. The study was undertaken by reviewing extensive numbers of sources of concepts and best practices all over the world.  


transfer functions tangible benefits intangible benefits flood prevention works

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How to Cite
Permana, A. S. (2022). Transfer Functions of Monetizing the Intangible Benefits of Flood Control Works: This study attempts to quantify in monetary terms the intangible benefits of flood prevention works, and therefore useful to estimate total benefits and costs the flood prevention works. Innovative Engineering and Sustainability Journal, 1(1), 28–37. Retrieved from (Original work published March 3, 2022)


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